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Parents Association

The Association’s job is to foster community spirit among parents and also raise money for the school.

Our main role is to distribute money raised and donated by the school community to support students in their extra-curricular activities across sport, culture, arts and academic pursuits. We welcome all parents and whaanau to attend and contribute to the decision making of supporting the success of the students.

Next Meeting – Tuesday 13 August 2024



Uniform Donations

Donations can also be made at reception during school hours 8am – 4.00pm (term time only).



BYOD for Learning

With the resurfacing of COVID in our region and changes in
Alert Levels causing students to continue their learning from home, having a
reliable device at home to access online learning, remain connected with
teachers, and receive feedback about their work makes 
BYOD more essential than

Click here for a reminder of our BYOD recommendations.