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Nau mai, haere mai ki te Kura Tuarua O Pukekohe
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Kia ora koutou

A very warm welcome to Pukekohe High School.

Our school serves the community of Pukekohe on the southern edges of Auckland.

We are at an exciting stage in our one-hundred-year history, with an expanding student roll and improved facilities and opportunities for our students. We aim to provide a holistic education for our learners with a strong emphasis on academic qualifications, co-curricular experiences, student leadership and pastoral care. We have high expectations for our young people in terms of their effort, behaviour and attendance.

Providing learning experiences that will enable all our students to develop the skills, attributes and qualifications that they will need in life beyond school, is at the heart of our work. We place an emphasis on choice throughout our curriculum to meet the needs of our diverse student body.

Our Pukekohe High School Values of Manaakitanga, Kotahitanga, Puumautanga and Araahitanga are critical in preparing our students for life in 21st century New Zealand and the wider world. Living these values help shape good learners and good people. 

Our five Houses – named and depicted in our pou at the front of the school – and horizontal form structure (Whaanau Roopuu) mean that our learners are known and cared for as individuals. The school’s team of Deans, Counsellors, Nurses and Careers staff work closely together to support all our young people.

Encouraging resilience and wellbeing are vital.  Involvement in sport, from Athletics to Waka Ama, is a strength of our school and is key to developing a sense of enjoyment as well as physical and mental wellbeing.  Opportunities for students to explore and engage with their cultural heritage through involvement in groups such as Kapa Haka are becoming increasingly important at our school.  A large number of our students successfully participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award. Music has long been a notable feature of our school and opportunities in Drama and in Dance are increasing.

This is a taste of the many opportunities that our learners enjoy. We invite you to explore our website and official social media pages to learn more about our school. We are proud of what our school has to offer and look forward to welcoming you to Pukekohe High School.

Murray Saunders
Tumuaki | Principal

He wahi whai-mana ki to rapu matauranga or a positive place of learning.

At Pukekohe High School our vision is to be a positive place of learning where our students are challenged, become equipped to fulfill their potential and achieve their aspirations.

Our Living Values


Manaakitanga is about valuing respect, responsibility and kindness.


Puumautanga is about valuing commitment, perseverance and resilience.


Aarahitanga is about valuing pride, honour and leadership.


Ako is about valuing learning in everything we do.


Kotahitanga is about valuing community, whanaungatanga, relationships and working together.

What's On @ Pukekohe High School


News & Events

Poo Whakanuia Awards 2024
Congratulations to all those who received acknowledgements and tohu at last Thursday’s Poo Whakanuia. Whaaia te iti kahuranga, ki te tuuohu koe me he maunga…
Start your Journey with us!

Important Dates

  • Friday 14 February | Whole School Athletics Day, Navigation Homes Stadium, Pukekohe  8.45am start
  • Tuesday 18 February | PTA AGM, 6pm Staffroom
  • Wednesday 19 February | Photolife ID Photos
  • Thursday 20 February | Scholars Award Event and Y9 Whaanau Open Evening
  • School Uniform | The Uniform Shoppe – 5B Glasgow Road 
  • Stationery Lists 
  • Enrolment

Please ensure your contact details are up to date as we are sending out updates via email.  To update your details, please send an email to