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Pūhoro Programme Graduates 2023

The Pūhoro graduation was a celebration of students from the South Auckland region who were graduating from the Pūhoro programme, which they were involved in from Year 11 to Year13. Well done to Conor Beloe, Riley Jenkins, Indi McQueen, Tyler Poa, Willow Phillips & Armani Tohaia.
Coined by Leon Blake for Ngā Kura-ā-iwi o Aotearoa, Pūrau is a whakaaro Māori representation of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Mātauranga (STEMM) that derives from pāngarau, hangarau, pūtaiao and pūkaha.
Pūrau or STEMM is a kaupapa Māori approach to STEMM and seeks to improve equitable access to Pūrau education; and pathway Māori into high value careers to revolutionise the landscape.
Pūhoro recognises the unique position we have in Aotearoa where we have access to two knowledge systems: Mātauranga Māori and Western Science. At Pūhoro we celebrate mātauranga Māori as a rich Māori knowledge ecosystem underpinned by kaupapa and tikanga Māori (Te Pūtahitanga: A Tiriti-Led Science-Policy Approach for Aotearoa New Zealand).

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