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Level 3 Te Ara Taapoi

Level 3

Course Code: 3ZTAT
Who can I talk to: Mrs Grass

You will learn to process information that will help you to make decisions about your future, and to understand aspects of places in the world. You will learn the codes for countries and gateway cities which are important in the tourism industry. Through individual and group activities you will be involved in the classroom community and understand the importance of being a part of a local, regional, national and international community. Support at Polyfest is an example of this.

Course Information

What Knowledge Will I Develop?

You will start with a focus on a possible career option and how you can plan and understand the pathway to reach that career. There is also an opportunity to gain credits towards Hospitality and Tourism as a career pathway with links to global, Pacific and Aotearoa New Zealand knowledge. You will also have an opportunity to gain an understanding of your possible future financial situation and how to make decisions about it.

How Will The Course Contribute To My Qualification?

Code Title Credits Internal External Core Optional L1 Literacy L1 Numeracy UE Reading UE Writing Date
US4251 Plan a career pathway 3 y y 31-03-2021
US3727 Demonstarte knowledge of Pacific Island countries as visitor destinations 5 y y 25-11-2021
US28098 Evaluate options to increase personal income 3 y y 14-10-2021
US24733 Describe and promote a New Zealand tourist destination 5 y y 12-08-2021
US25508 Demonstrate knowledge of world travel geography 3 y y 27-05-2021
Credits: 14-19
Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? No

Entry Requirements

All students welcome.

Course Related Costs

Voluntary contribution to field trip expenses will be requested.

Companion Subjects

Sport leadership, Te Ara Kee, Future pathways, Toi Whaakari

Subject Combination Notes

Not applicable
