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Level 3 Legal Studies

Level 3

Course Code: 3ZLAW
Who can I talk to: Mr Hughes

Legal Studies aims to teach students to read and understand legislation and case law in NZ and overseas. This will be ideal preparation for students who wish to complete a law degree, manage their own business, or wish to provide value to future employers by being able to interpret new laws that might affect their employer’s business. The course encourages students to discuss ideas collaboratively, and then think about how to apply legal principles to a real life NZ situation.

Course Information

What Knowledge Will I Develop?

Legal Studies aims to teach students to read and understand legislation and case law in NZ and overseas. This will be ideal preparation for students who wish to complete a law degree, manage their own business, or wish to provide value to future employers by being able to interpret new laws that might affect their employer's business. The course encourages students to discuss ideas collaboratively, and then think about how to apply legal principles to a real life NZ situation.

How Will The Course Contribute To My Qualification?

Code Title Credits Internal External Core Optional L1 Literacy L1 Numeracy UE Reading UE Writing Date
US27852 Evaluate systems of government and their formation 4 y y 06-11-2021
US27849 Evaluate a law making process in relation to a significant legal issue 4 y y 28-08-2021
US27837 Evaluate Concepts of Democracy in relation to restraint on state power 4 y y 10-07-2021
US27846 Evaluate Litigation and Dispute resolution processes in relation to challenging state power 4 y y 08-06-2021
US27843 Evaluate Concepts of Law in relation to a specific scenario 4 y y 16-04-2021
US27840 Evaluate Concepts of Justice in relation to a specific scenario 4 y y 16-03-2021
Credits: 20-24
Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? No

Entry Requirements

All students welcome, although satisfactory achievement from previous level of study is desired; with HOD approval.

Course Related Costs

Voluntary contribution to field trip expenses will be requested.

Companion Subjects

Economics and Business Studies

Subject Combination Notes

Not applicable
