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Level 2 Media Studies

Level 2

Course Code: 2EMES
Who can I talk to: Miss Low

You will develop your creativity by planning, writing and producing a final media text (film product). This will develop you vision, energy, critique, and reflection processes in order to produce a media text to appeal to a specific audience. To engage and critique how specialist language, symbols and structure are used within a specific genre (e.g. Horror) or various media texts. You will enhance your understanding around and how these conventions are used to convey a message, create a specific effect and appeal to the audience. You will enhance your skills in managing self – through establishing production timelines and adhering to them – as well as participating and contributing – group productions.

Course Information

What Knowledge Will I Develop?

You will explore how media (mainly film but also advertisements and other texts) operates within societal contexts and how through them you can understand the place of media in society. From understanding your relationship with media, you will develop as critical, active, informed and responsible citizens. You will explore a specific genre across various texts of different time spans. To do this you will look into how the genre has changed over time and what influences that change. Students learn to make media products that can entertain, inform, and challenge. They explore, develop, and communicate ideas through the development of their skills in the use of media technology. In the process, they use language, symbols, and structures to create meaning. In reflecting on their own and others’ products, students develop their production skills. Media Studies is a subject that encourages students to actively explore and engage critically with the world of media that they are surrounded by. During the year, this course will focus on the study of film. This course also involves the production of a short film which is completed as part of a group assessment. Students will use digital technology in the creation of these films. Other assessments include essay writing, planning a media product and writing a script for a media product. On completion of the course you can expect to have gained a greater understanding of the technical aspects of film productions. They will also understand how ideas about genre are created in film and how the conventions have changed overtime.

How Will The Course Contribute To My Qualification?

Code Title Credits Internal External Core Optional L1 Literacy L1 Numeracy UE Reading UE Writing Date
91255 Write developed media text for a specific target audience 3 30-12-1899
91252 Produce a design and plan for a developed media product 2 30-12-1899
91251 Demonstrate understanding of an apsect of a media genre 5 30-12-1899
AS 91253 Produce a design and plan for a developed media product using a range of conventions 4 y y 18-06-2021
AS 91250 Demonstrate an understanding of representation in the media 3 y y 26-03-2021
Credits: 20
Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? Yes

Entry Requirements

Students must have at least an Achieved in Formal Writing (English AS 90053) or provide evidence of academic writing.

Course Related Costs

Voluntary contribution to field trip expenses will be requested.

Companion Subjects

English, Photography, Art Design, any subject from the Social Sciences Faculty

Subject Combination Notes

Not applicable
